Private Yachts

Private Yachts

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Private Yacht Registration For Yachts Under 24m

“Private Use” means that the yacht is used on a private voyage or excursion, and during such use is not engaged in trade by transporting merchandise or carrying passengers for reward or remuneration or gain, and is not offered for commercial charter operations or for public use;

Registration Requirements

Step 1: Please download the Cook Islands Declaration For Vessel Registration Form here

Step 2: Print, sign and scan the Cook Islands Declaration For Vessel Registration Form (Step 1) and upload to the supporting documentation section in the Online Application Form (Step 3).

Step 3: Complete the Online Application Form click here

Self Assessment Survey

Self Assessment surveys for Private Yachts under 24m following a survey can be carried out by a competent person or Cook Islands Approved surveyor. Once a copy of the report and other relevant documentation has been checked by the Administration a Vessel Safety Certificate and Record will be issued.

Additional Surveys (if applicable)

If these additional surveys are required, a Cook Islands Approved surveyor is required to conduct surveys:

Garbage Management Plan

All yachts over 100GT certified to carry 15 or more persons are required to carry and implement a garbage management plan. It is the responsibility of the owner/captain to have this onboard.

International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate

If carrying more than 15 persons onboard, a yacht is required to carry an International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (ISPP) Certificate. Such a Certificate is to be issued following a survey carried out by an Authorised Surveyor. Yacht owners shall notify MCI when the yacht has been designed/certified to carry more than 15 persons onboard.


Registration of a vessel upon the Cook Islands Ships Registry is governed by the Ship Registration Act 2007; The Act requires that a vessel be owned by or on a demise charter to a “qualified person.”

There are two ways in which an owner can become a qualified person:

1. Cook Islands Yacht Squadron

The Cook Islands Yacht Squadron (CIYS) was established in 2006 to create a fast and efficient way for yacht owners to fulfill ownership requirements. Members of the Cook Islands Yacht Squadron (CIYS) are eligible to have their yacht registered in the Cook Islands without having to register a company. The definition of person includes companies and trusts as well as individuals or partnerships of individuals. In this way, foreign corporations can become a member of CIYS without having to register that corporation in the Cook Islands.

2. International Company Incorporation

The Cook Islands International Companies Act 1981-82 governs the formation and activities of international companies. The structure of the International Companies Act allows companies to be formed and operated with both flexibility and administrative ease. An International Company must be incorporated through a licensed trustee company, which will handle the registration process and administrative duties.

Period of Registration

Yacht owners have the option to register their vessel for a duration of 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years. Opting for a one-year registration entails an annual renewal requirement. Alternatively, owners can choose the convenience of paying in advance for a three-year or five-year registration, eliminating the need for yearly filings.

Home Ports

The owner of a yacht registered in the Cook Islands has the option of selecting from the following Ports of Registry:

  • Avatiu
  • Arutanga

Only available to Cook Islands Yacht Squadron Members:

  • CIYS – Cook Islands
  • CIYS – Avatiu
  • CIYS – Arutanga
Size and Age Limitations

There are no size or age limitations for yachts registered in the Cook Islands.

Private Yacht Registration for Yachts Over 24m

Private Yachts over 24 meters are subject to a pre-inspection survey. This inspection is to be conducted by either a Cook Islands Approved Surveyor or by a classification society.

If the Private Yacht is more than 500GT then the vessel is subject to be surveyed and certified by a Classification Society.

Provisional Registration for Private Yachts Over 24m

Step 1: Please download the Cook Islands Declaration For Vessel Registration Form here

Step 2: Print, sign and scan the Cook Islands Declaration For Vessel Registration Form (Step 1) and upload to the supporting documentation section in the Online Application Form (Step 3).

Step 3: Complete the Online Application Form click here

Survey Requirements

Maritime Cook Islands has a team of technical experts comprising Naval architects, Marine Engineers and Auditors. These highly skilled professionals bring their expertise to ensure compliance, safety, and efficiency in accordance with international standards.

The Technical Department will be in contact to make arrangements for the survey through a Cook Islands Approved Surveyor or Classification Society.

Period of Registration

Yacht owners have the option to register their vessel for a duration of 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years. Opting for a one-year registration entails an annual renewal requirement. Alternatively, owners can choose the convenience of paying in advance for a three-year or five-year registration, eliminating the need for yearly filings.

Home Ports

The owner of a yacht registered in the Cook Islands has the option of selecting from the following Ports of Registry:

  • Avatiu
  • Arutanga

Only available to Cook Islands Yacht Squadron Members:

  • CIYS – Cook Islands
  • CIYS – Avatiu
  • CIYS – Arutanga
Size and Age Limitations

There are no size or age limitations for yachts registered in the Cook Islands.

Merchant Ships

Maritime Cook Islands Administrator of the Cook Islands ships registry, operates as an open registry with its main office in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, with additional offices in Italy and Monaco.

Bunker/Wrecks/CLC Services

There is no legal or other impediment to any P&I Club / Insurer offering cover to Cook Islands flagged vessels.

Seafarer Training & Certification

Learn more about our application processes and seafarer services, take the first steps towards Cook Islands STCW certification, and verify the validity of Cook Islands certificates.

Yacht Registration

Learn more about our yacht registration process, ownership structures, mortgages and depending on length, Gross Tonnage and operation area.