Commercial Yachts
Commercial Yachts
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A Commercial Yacht means a yacht engaged in trade, commerce, on charter or carrying passengers for hire that is registered and described in the register and on the Certificate of Registry as a commercial yacht. Commercial Yachts are limited to a maximum of 12 passengers.
Registration Requirements for Commercial Yachts
Step 1: Please download the Cook Islands Declaration For Vessel Registration Form here
Step 2: Print, sign and scan the Cook Islands Declaration For Vessel Registration Form (Step 1) and upload to the supporting documentation section in the Online Application Form (Step 3).
Step 3: Complete the Online Application Form click here
Survey Requirements
All commercial yachts must be surveyed in compliance with the LY3 or Cook Islands Large Yacht Code.
Maritime Cook Islands has a professional team of Naval architects, Engineers, and Auditors, who will assist you with all international regulations and safety requirements. The Technical department will reach out to coordinate survey arrangements.
Registration of a vessel upon the Cook Islands Ships Registry is governed by the Ship Registration Act 2007; The Act requires that a vessel be owned by or on a demise charter to a “qualified Person.” There are two ways in which an owner can become a Qualified Person:
1. Formation of International Companies
The formation and operations of international companies in the Cook Islands are governed by the Cook Islands International Companies Act 1981-82. This act provides a framework that enables the establishment and management of international companies with a combination of flexibility and administrative simplicity. To incorporate an international company, the process must be conducted through a licensed trustee company.
2. Cook Islands Yacht Squadron
The Cook Islands Yacht Squadron (CIYS) was established in 2006 to create a fast and efficient way for yacht owners to fulfil ownership requirements. Members of the Cook Islands Yacht Squadron (CIYS) are eligible to have their yacht registered in the Cook Islands without having to register a company. The definition of person includes companies and trusts as well as individuals or partnerships of individuals. In this way, foreign corporations can become a member of CIYS without having to register that corporation in the Cook Islands.
Period of Registration
Yacht owners have the option to register their vessel for a duration of 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years. Opting for a one-year registration entails an annual renewal requirement. Alternatively, owners can choose the convenience of paying in advance for a three-year or five-year registration, eliminating the need for yearly filings.
Safe Manning Guidelines
In accordance with the principles of minimum safe manning contained in the Assembly Resolution 1047(27), and in compliance with the relevant SOLAS Convention regulations and STCW Convention standards, Maritime Cook Islands requires all its registered vessels to which Article III of the STCW Convention, as amended, applies, to be manned in a sufficient, effective and efficient manner and to carry a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate.
Prior to registration, an owner must submit their minimum safe manning proposal for approval by MCI Technical Department.
The manning levels for commercial yachts are defined in the Cook Islands Large Yacht Code , and the Cook Islands Small Yacht Code.
Every Cook Islands flagged vessel that is required to carry a Minimum Safe Manning Certificate must have onboard the prescribed complement of officers and qualified ratings as specified therein. The vessel’s manning is verified for compliance with the Minimum Safe Manning Certificate during the vessel’s annual inspection.
Home Ports
The owner of a yacht registered in the Cook Islands has the option of selecting from the following Ports of Registry:
- Avatiu
- Arutanga
Only available to Cook Islands Yacht Squadron Members:
- CIYS – Cook Islands
- CIYS – Avatiu
- CIYS – Arutanga
Size and Age Limitations
There are no size or age limitations for yachts