Fishing Vessel Registration

Fishing Vessel Registration

Popular Services

Cook Islands will only register fishing vessels that intend to fish in Cook Islands waters or in the waters of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations to which Cook Islands is party, once a Fishing licence from the Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) has been obtained. In order for MMR to assess the likelihood of a successful application for fishing licence, applicants should complete the form (Form 3 Registration Enquiry form – FishingVessel v3) below and submit to MCI.

Click here for Vessel Registration Requirements

Merchant Ships

Maritime Cook Islands Administrator of the Cook Islands ships registry, operates as an open registry with its main office in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, with additional offices in Italy and Monaco.

Bunker/Wrecks/CLC Services

There is no legal or other impediment to any P&I Club / Insurer offering cover to Cook Islands flagged vessels.

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