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P&I Insurers

Popular Services

Please find our list of approved P&I Club Insurers. If the P&I Club that your vessels are insured with is not listed below, please contact us at and advise us of the Club’s details. Maritime Cook Islands will assess the suitability and if approved, add the club to the list.

P&I Club - Insurer
AEGIS Managing Agency Limited
AIG Private Client Group
Al-Bahriah Insurance S.A.L.
Alandia Forsakring Abp
American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association Inc.
Argenta Syndicate Management Limited
Ascot Insurance Group
Assuranceforeningen Gard (including all branches)
Assuranceforeningen Skuld (including all branches)
Atrium Underwriters Limited
Aurora P&I
Beazley P&I Club
Brit Syndicates Limited
British Marine
Canopius Managing Agents Limited
Catlin Underwriting Agencies Limited
Chaucer Syndicates Limited
China Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association
Chubb Underwriting Agencies Limited
Closed Joint Stock Company "Insurance Company" ARSENAL KYRGYZSTAN
Coastal Marine Services Ltd
Eagle Ocean Agencies, Inc
Hanseatic Underwriters
Hiscox Syndicates Limited
Hydor AS
Islamic P&I Club
Liberty Managing Agency Ltd
Lloyds of London
Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Limited
Markel Syndicate Management Limited
MS Amlin Underwriting Limited
MSIG Insurance Vietnam Company Ltd
Navigators Underwriting Agency Limited
PANTAENIUS (including all branches)
QBE Underwriting Limited and branches
RO Marine AS
Safeguard Guarantee Company Ltd
Sun Re Ltd
Sirius Mutual P&I Association LLC
Sveriges Angfartygs Assurans Forening / The Swedish Club
Talbot Underwriting Ltd
The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association Ltd
The East of England P&I Association Ltd
The Japan Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Ltd
The Korea Shipowner’s Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association
The London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Ltd
The North-Standard (including all branches)
The Shipowners’ Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (incl. all branches)
The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association Ltd (including all branches)
The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)
Thomas Miller Specialty
Tokio Marine Kiln Syndicates Ltd
Turk P&I Sigorta A.S.
United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association Ltd (incl. all branches)
United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association Ltd

Merchant Ships

Maritime Cook Islands Administrator of the Cook Islands ships registry, operates as an open registry with its main office in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, with additional offices in Italy and Monaco.

Bunker/Wrecks/CLC Services

There is no legal or other impediment to any P&I Club / Insurer offering cover to Cook Islands flagged vessels.

Seafarer Training & Certification

Learn more about our application processes and seafarer services, take the first steps towards Cook Islands STCW certification, and verify the validity of Cook Islands certificates.

Yacht Registration

Learn more about our yacht registration process, ownership structures, mortgages and depending on length, Gross Tonnage and operation area.

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